Sprint Burndown chart

By reviewing a sprint burn down report, you can track how much work remains in a sprint backlog, understand how quickly your team has completed tasks, and predict when your team will achieve the goal or goals of the sprint.

Burn down chart displays the remaining effort for a given period of time.

When they track product development using the Burn down chart, teams can use a sprint Burn down chart and a release Burn down chart. This article concentrates on the sprint Burn down chart as it is used on daily basis.
Sprint Burn down Chart
  • A chart displaying the current progress of the sprint.
  • Displays the remaining work in the current Sprint.
  • Updated by the development team everyday.
  • X-axis is the days remaining in the Sprint.
  • Y-axis is the total estimated effort remaining to get the tasks identified for the Sprint to done.
  • Green line is the ideal Burndown based on number of hours committed to in the Sprint.
  • Red line is the daily estimations of remaining work updated by development team daily.

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