User stories are used with Agile software development methodologies as the basis for defining the functions a business system must provide, and to facilitate requirements management. It captures the 'who', 'what' and 'why' of a requirement in a simple, concise way, often limited in detail by what can be hand-written on a small paper notecard. User stories are written by or for the business user as that user's primary way to influence the functionality of the system being developed. User stories may also be written by developers to express non-functional requirements (security, performance, quality, etc.)
- A user story represents a value adding requirement of the product.
- Contract between development team and PO that discussion will take place before implementation.
- This usually follows the following template:"As a <user type> I want to <do some action> so that <desired value added result>“.
- INVEST criteria: Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable.
- Implemented by a development team in one sprint.
- User stories are Complemented by with conditions of satisfaction.
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